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Principal's Message 10.25.24

Principal's Message 10.25.24

Dear Endeavor Families,

It's a tradition here at Endeavor to honor Veterans in our community through a slide show presentation. Please see the announcements section of the Rocket Review for information about how to honor a Veteran who is important to you in our Veterans Day slide show. The slideshow will be part of our assembly on November 11th. We would love to have your submission by Monday, November 4 in order to have time to include it.

On Tuesday, October. 29th, our PTO is inviting you to our KISS (Kids Invite Someone Special) event. Your child can invite a special adult to enjoy light refreshments, crafts, games, a photo opportunity, and you can shop our Book Fair together! Please click the link for all the details.

Thursday, November 7th is our third and last conference night for the fall. If you have not already done so, please reach out to your child's teacher to schedule a conference time. We are holding conferences in person or on Zoom this year. Please let your child's teacher know your preference. 

As always, if you have any questions, concerns or good news to pass on please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We love to hear from you.

LeAnna Webber, Principal

  • events
  • principal
  • pto