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Our School

Welcome to Endeavor Elementary!

I am looking forward to a great school year as we welcome our new students and families and reconnect with families who already know us. It is our hope that you feel part of the Rockets family and will reach out to us if you ever need anything.

Forming strong family relationships and communication between school and home are key to our students having a successful elementary school experience.

We want to work together to help your student achieve academically and to show social and emotional growth, as well. We know that it’s important to meet the needs of the whole child, and to do this it takes a dedicated partnership with you.

If you have not already done so, please sign up for our school distribution lists so you will receive our weekly newsletter. Follow us on Facebook (Endeavor Rockets and Endeavor Elementary PTO), Twitter (@LakotaEndeavor) and Instagram (@lakotaendeavor) for updates. Our website will always have current information about upcoming events, as well. Parents of our students will also have access to Canvas and Home Access Center to keep informed of what students are learning every day.In Lakota and at Endeavor, our commitment to you is that WE are In This Together. We know that our young learners need a safe, nurturing learning environment that is student-centered and remains focused on helping every student be future-ready and grow to their fullest potential. We welcome parents and guardians as partners in making Endeavor the best place it can be for our students.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me or any of our Endeavor team at any time we can be of assistance. I want to hear from you! I look forward to working together this school year.

Go Rockets!

LeAnna Webber

LeAnna Webber

Endeavor Elementary
Brick building front
4400 Smith Road
West Chester
FAX 513-759-8301 | Attendance 513-759-8302
Principal LeAnna Webber
Assistant Principal Ben Schneider
Hours of Operation
Office 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM
School 8:20 AM - 3:10 PM